Austin, Texas area based artist, John Mark Luke has always been drawn to the aesthetic nature of things since childhood. While he is a fan of all things creative, it is the process of creating art in space that inspires him most. He considers himself more of a “blue-collar” artist, as he puts it, "I like to build stuff". Chuck Close is famous for saying, "Inspiration is for amateurs, work comes from work”. John believes that it is the physical investment into the medium with all of it's limitations and revelations that takes the work beyond concept to the materialization of a finished piece that he finds most rewarding. Inspiration is found throughout the process of work. This creative labor reveals a symbiotic relationship between artist and art, as he is creating a work, it is also creating him.
John lives with his wife Yvonne, two children, and four dogs in Round Rock, Texas, and has claimed the household garage as his studio space where quiet suburban evenings are often serenaded by the distinct sounds of saws, grinders, drills, and hammers.
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